For Eternity Entwined

Poetry for Eric

© Renee Downton
Following the Example of the Gods © Henry Siemiradzki I SMILE

I look up to the sun and I smile
Its warmth embraces me like your arms

I look up to the moving clouds and I smile
The light breeze on my cheek reminds me of your kiss

I look up to the stars and I smile
Their twinkling is like your eyes when you are happy

I look up to the moon and I smile
Its brightness reminds me of the magic we share

I look up to the heavens and I smile
Thanking the Gods everyday for YOU!


to the man who shows me everyday
what love is...
the small things that remind me...
holding hands...
a kiss in passing...
a "how are you" phone call...
a smile...
nibbles on the neck...
"goodnight my love"...
sharing thoughts...
dreaming together...
plans for the future...

The Kiss © Gustav Klimt

The Springtime © Pierre Cot MY LOVE FOR YOU

It's like the full moon at night that lights my darkest path.
It's like the sun shining down warming my face on a cold day.
It's like the brightest star twinkling to be noticed among the rest.
It's like the cool rain quenching the thirst of the trees on a hot summer day.
It's like the first snow of winter that brings children out to play.
It's like the smallest bird reaching for the sky and soaring like an eagle.
It's like the excitement of a parent who sees their child take their first step.
It's like the pride in a child's smile when they accomplish something great.
It's like nothing else in this world, yet it's like all things wonderful in this world.
What is it?
My love for you!


I pass a mirror
and catch a glimpse
I do not like what I see.

The scars of youth
and the beginning
of time's reminder of age.

I see the unavoidable
pull of nature's force
All the flaws I have learned to cover,
but have not learned to accept.

Yet, you say
that when you see me,
you see beauty and talent,
you see a spirit that soars,
a heart that is true,
and a soul that is pure.

Most importantly,
you say that you see forever
in a light that radiates so brightly
from the inside.
A light that dims
any self-perceived imperfections
I may have.

I ask how you can see these things,
when the outside
is all the eye can see.

You tell me that when love is present
and souls are joined
all is seen through a person's eyes.
That is how you see
all the wonderful things
I do not see in myself.

So from now on,
I will no longer look in a mirror
and think that I am flawed.
I will look into your eyes
and see...
what you see...
when you look at me.

The Mirror © Frederick Frieseke

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